

Welcome to the Toaster Engine website. Here you can find anything related with the developed engine and it’s functionalities or it’s lastest release link right here -> Last Toaster Engine Release.

First of all, let me introduce myself, I’m Dani Toledo Rodríguez , in github Dani24, a student trying to learn and improve in videogame design and development.


Engine Trailer

About the Engine : FEATURES

Toaster Engine is a simple and easy-to-use game 3d engine written in C++ programming language. It provides a set of functions to create a wide range of 3D games, as well as other multimedia applications. Toaster Engine is not designed to be portable, fast, and easy to understand, making it a wrong choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. The engine is open-source and available under the mit license, allowing developers to use it in commercial and non-commercial projects.

The engine UI works thanks to SDL, OpenGL and ImGui and it has implemented the following features to be Unity-like:

Scene & Editor Views

At the center of the screen you can choose between the Editor & the Scene views, the editor is where you will edit and do all the job, while the scene will be the result processed view of whatever you’re doing. The Editor works with an editor camera controlled with the mouse, but the Scene works with Camera GameObjects that you can interact with at the Inspector by selecting them at the Editor.

Resource Manager & Asset Explorer

All files located at the engine /Assets folder will be displayed here. 3D meshes and 2d Images can be dragged from here to be applied on the Editor.

What’s even better is that you can drag any file from anywhere and Toaster Engine will save a copy of it into /Assets to allow you to use this file easily.


Just select or create a GameObject and the Inspector will show you all its propierties

Fast 3d meshes import with Assimp

MousePicking and Frustum Culling features to improve the Toaster experience. Which you can improve EVEN MORE by activating the Toaster Mode at the Edit menu from the top-bar menu.

And More

Just test all the top-bar menu options to see all the UI features as window options & Engine information and 3rd party software used as Glew Mmgr, GPUDetector and DevIL

Remember to check Window -> Configuration to play with some render functionalities, check the input and the memory use.

Special Functionalities : Skeletal Animations

The main functionality of the engine is it’s compatibility with animated meshes by loading them from .fbx files using Assimp.

It’s complex implementation allows you to see all the bones from your 3d mesh as GameObjects on the Hierarchy.

Just select the parent of the Skeleton and the Inpector will show you the Animation Component

Default Animations

By default the engines opens up with an animated moai playing an idle animation.

By pressing “1”, the Moai triggers an attack animation.

By pressing “2”, the Moai changes its idle animation to in place walk animation until the key is released

Enjoy the background music then.

Toaster Starting Guide

1 - Download the lastest release

2 - Unzip the release

3 - Open the unzipped folder and look for the .exe file

5 - Enjoy

Input Controls

Just use the mouse!

Any specific shortcut is shown at the engine UI.



Q: How Can I create 1000 moais??

A: Just go to GameObjects -> Create 1000 moais & wait:

Other 3rd Party Software


